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Confirmation 2020

Sunday, the 20th of January 2020, the sacrament of Confirmation was administered to 116 confirmandi in our parish.

The solemn mass was celebrated by his Grace Most Rev. Archbishop Philip Neri Ferrao along with the secretary to the Archbishop, Rev. Fr. Joaquim Loyola Pereira and other clergy from our parish as con-celebrants. On arrival, his Grace obliged for a photograph with the children and then proceeded to prepare himself for Holy Mass which commenced at 10.00 am. Rev. Fr. Loyola Pereira in his homily resoundingly told the children that it was time to say a HELLO and certainly not a goodbye. He said the youth must evangelize by living the message of Jesus Christ every day. At times, he said, it may be challenging but we must not refrain from seeking Our Blessed Lord's grace at all times.

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It would be injustice to this report if I do not mention here the celestial tunes played by our dear parish priest Rev. Fr. Joe, every chord played and hymn sung touched hearts young and old. Oh! And not forgetting the melodious voices of the all the choir members lead by our very own PPC - moderator Mr. Deron Rodrigues and Catechist Miss Michelle Teles, who certainly enthralled the congregation with their splendid singing. The Church was also beautifully decorated for the occasion under the guidance of Vice President Miss Yean Cardozo. At the end, The Archbishop reiterated that the students must join the youth association under the leadership of Rev. Chrysler.

After the Eucharist the children thanked Almighty God and their catechism teachers who were involved in preparing them.


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